Constitution and Bylaws



The Fundamental Principles Governing the Operations of Order of Omega:



The name of this international organization shall be Order of Omega.

SECTION TWO: Definition

Order of Omega is a Leadership Honor Society.


Each local unit of Order of Omega shall be called a chapter.



The purpose of Order of Omega shall be threefold:

First, to recognize those students who have attained a high standard of leadership in inter-Greek activities, to encourage them to continue along this line, and to inspire others to strive for similar conspicuous attainment.

Second, to bring together the most representative fraternity and sorority members, and to create an organization which will help to mold the sentiment of the institution on questions of local and intercollegiate affairs.

Third, to bring together members of the faculty, alumni, and student members of the institution’s fraternities and sororities on a basis of mutual interest, understanding, and cooperation.



The emblem of Order of Omega shall be the Greek letter designating Omega.


The colors of Order of Omega shall be ivory and gold.


SECTION ONE: Definition

The membership of this Order shall be confined to members of Greek-letter social organizations, except for honorary non-undergraduate members.

SECTION TWO: Categories

There shall be three classes of members: first, student; second, honorary; and third, alumni.

Student members shall be those selected to membership as undergraduate students by a chapter and they shall be so designated during the remaining period of their undergraduate, post baccalaureate, and/or graduate enrollment.

Honorary members shall be those selected honoris causa by a chapter of Order of Omega. These members shall include faculty, staff, alumni and other community members who are not undergraduate students. An honorary member does not have to be a member of a fraternity or sorority. Graduate students are eligible for honorary membership.

Alumni members shall be all former student members after their graduation or the termination of their collegiate enrollment.

SECTION THREE: Rights and Privileges

Membership in Order of Omega entitles the initiated to the rights and privileges of life membership. Only student members may vote and hold office in a local chapter.

SECTION FOUR: Transfer Members

Transfer members may affiliate or be eligible for selection to membership according to the following:

  1. Initiated transfer students shall be affiliated with an Order of Omega chapter at the campus which they transferred at the discretion of that chapter. It is recommended that the chapter verify Order of Omega membership with the Executive Office.
  2. A student transferring from another institution shall be eligible for selection to membership in Order of Omega. Such transfer students are subject to the eligibility requirements as defined in Article Five.

SECTION FIVE: Other Transfer Eligibility

Chapters may select into membership a student who was initiated into a Greek organization at another institution that is not represented at the campus to which he/she has transferred. It is recommended that verification of the affiliation be confirmed with the National Office of the fraternity or sorority. In the case of membership in a local Greek organization, the membership should be verified with the Greek Advisor at the student’s former institution.

SECTION SIX: Loss of Fraternal Organization

Should a student’s fraternal organization close or lose official institution recognition the student may be eligible for membership or may maintain membership in Order of Omega as long as eligibility requirements of Article Five are met.

SECTION SEVEN: Posthumous Membership

Requests for posthumous membership must be submitted to the Executive Office for approval. Approval for such induction will be made by the Executive Officers.


SECTION ONE: Qualifications

The qualifications for membership in Order of Omega shall be character, scholarship, service and leadership.

SECTION TWO: Character

Exemplary character shall be the primary consideration for membership in Order of Omega.

SECTION THREE: Requirements

To be eligible for membership in Order of Omega, a student shall meet the following minimum requirements:

  1. One full academic year of enrollment at the institution.
  2. Be in good standing with the institution.
  3. Be in good standing with the initiate’s fraternal organization.


The selection of student members shall consider the following areas of a candidate’s collegiate record:

  1. Character
  2. Scholarship
  3. Greek Offices Held
  4. Greek Participation
  5. Service to the University
  6. Service to the Local Community


SECTION ONE: Selection

New members may be chosen either annually or semi-annually by each chapter, the manner and frequency of selections being subject to the provisions of the chapter’s bylaws. Honorary members may be selected as frequently as a chapter may desire.

SECTION TWO: Maximum Number

The number of students initiated into membership in any one year may not exceed five percent (5%) of the total number of enrolled full-time Greek undergraduates at the beginning of the academic year on the main campus, or twenty (20), whichever number is greater.

SECTION THREE: Chapter Authority

The selection of student members under the provisions of this Constitution shall be left to the discretion of the individual collegiate chapter, subject to such restrictions as may be imposed by the Executive Office.

SECTION FOUR: Vote Requirement

A majority vote of initiated undergraduate members in attendance at the membership selection meeting shall confirm a candidate for membership.


SECTION ONE: Definitions

  1. The International Organization shall consist of all active collegiate chapters of Order of Omega, Board of Directors, Executive Director, Regional Chapter Directors, and Order of Omega Headquarters Staff.
  2. Collegiate chapters are divided into Regions, the boundaries of which shall be designated by a vote of the Board of Directors.
  3. Each chapter shall be entitled to one voting delegate in all decisions as required by the Constitution.

SECTION TWO: Board of Directors

The Board of Directors serve as an advisory, policy-making, and fiduciary body for Order of Omega. The Board of Directors consists of Board officers, Board members and Student Board Members. Each Board member shall be entitled to one vote.

  1. Election and Term of Service – Members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by a majority vote of the Board members in attendance at the annual meeting. Each term of office for the director shall be for three years and may be elected for a maximum of four consecutive terms. If a Board member is elected to complete the unexpired term of an existing Board member, the new member shall complete that term and be eligible to be appointed to four consecutive terms of their own. The Board members serving at the 2022 annual meeting are grandfathered and do not have a term limit.
  2. Board Officers – Board officers shall consist of the President, Vice President, and Treasurer. All officers shall be honorary or alumni members of Order of Omega. Other officers may be approved by the Board of Directors. Board officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the Board members in attendance at the annual meeting. Each term of office shall be four years and may be elected for two consecutive terms for a total of eight years. He/she/they may continue to serve in the officer role on the board the maximum eight years and exceed the maximum twelve years as a Board member. The officers serving at the 2022 annual meeting are grandfathered and do not have a term limit.
  3. The Student Board Member shall be a current undergraduate member of Order of Omega. The Student Board Member shall serve a one-year term beginning at the annual meeting and concluding at the following annual meeting and is a voting member of the Board. Both outgoing and incoming Student Board Members shall be voting members at the annual meeting. The application and selection process shall be coordinated by the Executive Director. SECTION FOUR: Regional Chapter Directors

SECTION THREE: Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of the following officers: President, Vice President, and Treasurer. The Executive Director, Assistant Executive Director, and Executive Director Emeritus shall serve in an ex-officio capacity.

SECTION FOUR: Regional Chapter Directors

Regional Chapter Directors are appointed to advise chapters in their designated regions and submit a report annually. Regional Chapter Directors are non-voting members.


Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filled by nominations from the Board of Directors and presented to the Board at the annual meeting.


A member of the Board of Directors may be removed from office by a three-fourths (¾) vote of the Board members in attendance at the annual meeting.


A retiring former Board member who has served on the Board of Directors for a minimum of twelve years may be awarded Emeritus status by a unanimous vote of the Board members in attendance at the annual meeting. These individuals may be called upon to share expertise and perspective.


SECTION ONE: Local Powers

Each collegiate chapter shall have complete control of all matters of local concern under such restrictions as may be imposed by this Constitution. In no case shall such local power be exercised in a way contrary to the ideals and purposes of Order of Omega as set forth in the Constitution, Bylaws, Position Statements and Ritual of the International Organization. In case a chapter be charged with disregarding any of the conditions of its charter, the International Organization Board of Directors shall have power and full inquiry; and may, in its discretion, take those steps the Board of Directors deems necessary.

SECTION TWO: Chapter Bylaws

All chapter bylaw revisions must be submitted to the Executive Office.

SECTION THREE: Chapter Governance

The officers of each collegiate chapter shall be president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and advisor. All officers shall be elected by the chapter in accordance with local bylaws. An officer shall be eligible for reelection or reappointment. A collegiate chapter may designate additional officers as deemed necessary. Chapter officers shall be installed in accordance with Order of Omega Constitution and Bylaws.

SECTION FOUR: Chapter Advisor

The advisor shall be nominated from among the faculty and staff of the institution.


SECTION ONE: Expulsion of a Chapter Member

Any member found responsible of conduct unbecoming of Order of Omega shall be deprived of membership and required to surrender the pin and certificate. Written notification shall be sent to the individual in question and the Executive Office. A three-fourths (3/4) vote of the active members of the local chapters is required to deprive an individual and shall be subject to review by the Board of Directors before it shall be made finally effective.

SECTION TWO: Termination of a Chapter Member

Resignation or expulsion from a fraternal organization may subject one to termination of membership in Order of Omega. Such termination may be subject to review by the Board of Directors before it shall be made finally effective.

SECTION THREE: Chapter Suspension

a. Grounds
i. If the college administration requests that the chapter be withdrawn from the campus.
ii. If the college in which the chapter is located no longer meets the requirements of Order of Omega.
iii. If the chapter fails to comply with the requirements of the Constitution, policies and procedures of Order of Omega, or if the personnel or general conditions of the chapter are below the standards of Order of Omega and all efforts to improve conditions have proved to be of no avail, or if it appears that the interest of Order of Omega will be best served by removal of the chapter.

b. Notification – The Chapter shall be notified of the proposed action and specific grounds on which the proposed action is based. Any collegiate or alumni member may submit a written summary within 14 days from the date of the notification addressing the reasons why the proposed action or defense of charges was made which will be reviewed by the Board of Directors before action is taken.

c. Assets Upon Termination – Upon withdrawal or suspension of a chapter’s charter, all net assets of the chapter, after payment of all legitimate obligations, shall be transferred to Order of Omega to become part of the general assets of Order of Omega.

d. Reinstatement – A charter that has been suspended pending an improvement in local conditions may be reinstated by Order of Omega Board of Directors when the conditions are favorable for reinstatement.


The Board of Directors shall be empowered to pass, repeal, or modify bylaws relating to the mode of procedure with reference to initiation, installation, extension, general policy, and all other matters of similar character not expressly provided for in this Constitution. These restrictions shall not be construed as limiting in any way the actions of the Board of Directors in emergency cases.


Any amendment to this Constitution shall require an affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the combined votes of the Board of Directors and of the active chapters secured by mail vote within two months after its submission.

Revisions Approved by Board of Directors on July 9. 2022
Chapters Ratified on November 16, 2022


The Specific Rules of Guidance by Which Order of Omega Is To Function By:


The Board of Directors shall have a joint meeting at least once a year. To constitute an official meeting, two-thirds (2/3) of the Board of Directors must be in attendance. All of the organization’s members are eligible to attend the meeting.

The Board of Directors may meet more often to conduct business of the organization.

The Executive Director shall provide a report of activities at the annual meeting.


SECTION ONE: Initiation Fee

The one-time initiation fee and honorary member fee shall be set by the Board of Directors. A two-thirds (⅔) vote is required to set the fee. The current fee amount shall be listed on the initiation report form. The fee covers initiation, membership pin, and certificate.


Each local chapter shall decide if it is to have local dues and how much they will be. Local dues should be minimal and not place a financial hardship on members.


The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the standard for conducting the meeting.


Any amendment to these Bylaws shall require an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the combined votes of the Board of Directors and of the active chapters secured by mail vote within two months after its submission.

Revisions Approved by the Board of Directors on July 9, 2022
Chapters Ratified on November 16, 2022