FAQs About Order of Omega
Below are common questions and answers to address most of our members’ and chapters’ queries and concerns. If you need further clarification, contact your Regional Chapter Director or Order of Omega headquarters.
Contact the Membership staff at headquarters. Also, a great deal of information is available on our website at Chapter Resources.
Every undergraduate student pays a one-time $63 initiation fee (including processing) to headquarters for membership dues. The fee includes payment for their certificate and pin. In case a chapter has local dues, it sets the amount. Remember, memberships should not cause financial hardships to individuals. All new honorary members pay a one-time $10 membership fee.
You must report any suspected hazing incident to your advisor immediately after gathering information from your chapter. The advisor will report the incident to the Director of Chapter Services, who will then determine the right course of action with you and your advisor.
Each chapter president and advisor has a copy of the Ritual. If you need a copy of the Initiation and Ritual, please contact headquarters. The ritual of The Order of Omega must be used. There are a few acceptable local adaptations of the ritual, including ones with some changes in the room set-up and allocation of the speaking parts. If there are parts of the ritual that your chapter has an issue with, please notify your advisor.
The number of new members initiated each academic year may not exceed 5% of the total number of enrolled Fraternity & Sorority undergraduates at the beginning of the academic year, or 20 members, whichever number is greater. For example: if your school’s total FSL population across all governing councils is 1,200 members, your Order of Omega chapter may initiate up to and not exceed 60 new members for the academic year. If your school’s total FSL population across all governing councils is under 500, your chapter may initiate up to and not exceed 20 new members for the academic year.
Remember, this is only for how many new members your chapter may initiate per academic year. There is no maximum number of chapter members your chapter may have.
(See Constitution, Article Six, Section 2.)
See the New Members page on this website for more information.
Each member must pay $63 for the international membership fee and processing.
Student membership is limited to members of Greek-letter social organizations (Constitution Article IV, Section 1). Members of Greek-letter social organizations recognized as part of the local Fraternity & Sorority community are eligible, whether or not the chapter is affiliated with a national organization. Your Order of Omega chapter should be representative of your entire Fraternity & Sorority community, across all councils.
Faculty or staff members or other honorary members (elected honoris causa by the chapter) don’t need to be affiliated with a fraternal organization. All student members must be members of Greek-letter organizations that are recognized as a part of the local fraternity and sorority community.
No, there is no limit. A chapter should recognize all individuals who have given exemplary service to your fraternity and sorority community. An Order of Omega chapter should choose at least one honorary member at each initiation.
There is a $10 fee per honoree. We recommend the chapters take responsibility for this fee.
Call or email the headquarters for correction and replacement concerns.
Contact the Executive Director as far in advance as possible to schedule a visit. We recommend you let them know about six to twelve weeks in advance. The Executive Director will determine the closest person who meets your program’s needs. Sometimes, the headquarters provide help with travel expenses to match your funds.
Allow at least two weeks. If for some unavoidable reason this timeline cannot be met, call and discuss your needs with the staff at headquarters.
Order of Omega has no convention. However, we hold various functions and/or educational sessions at regional fraternity and sorority life leadership conferences, including:
We encourage our members to attend these meetings as part of their college or university delegation.
Order of Omega is always interested in news and pictures of chapter activities. Your chapter may tag us on Instagram or send all materials directly to headquarters via our physical address or via email to: hq@orderofomega.org
Officer Stoles may be purchased from the headquarters ($25.00) exclusively from the Omega Store, Please allow 5-7 business days for delivery.
Graduation cords, stoles. and medallions are an excellent way of showing your Order of Omega membership at graduation. You can exclusively order them from the Omega Shop. The cords cost $16 each, while the stoles are $25 each, and medallions are $20 each. Allow at least 5-7 business days for standard delivery. If you need items sooner, contact the headquarters staff. Payment must be received before purchases are sent.
To receive your membership items within 5-7 business days of processing, there is an additional $75 expedited processing fee.
Order of Omega members may pay the $63.00 initiation fee online via debit or credit card. Some chapters may accept checks locally and provide a single aggregate payment to IHQ. Chapters may set up an electronic bank transfer/direct deposit with IHQ if your institution allows it.
Also, we accept credit or debit cards for merchandise and chapter materials ordered online via one of our two storefronts.
T-shirts and other apparel merchandise may be purchased on our newest storefront — all items in this storefront are produced, processed and shipped out by our third-party provider. Please note that if you are looking for graduation regalia items (cords, stoles, medallions) those items are avaialble on our in-house store.